Louisiana Army National Guard

Benefits of the Guard

The Guard offers 100% tuition exemption, Student Loan Repayment, Paid Job Training, Medical, 401k, Experience in the field you choose, and so much more. All of this while you stay in school and work part time with the National Guard.
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As with any program that helps you become the best in your field, there are requirements. If you are looking at the enlisted ranks, becoming an officer, or just looking, here is some of our 
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The Process

The process is long but worth it. After completing the initial screening and physical you become one of the few that can wear the uniform. 
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Taking the ASVAB is made easier by allowing it to fit in your schedule. Though it can be taken at a Military Test Site, your recruiter can set it up for you to take at a time and place that fits into your schedule.  
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Recruit Sustainment

Prior to Leaving for Basic, you will be paid to learn what it takes to be a Soldier and succeed in Basic Training.  
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“Basic training was hard, it pushed me to my limits, but looking back I can say that it was a lot of fun and I learned more than I ever thought I would. ”  – Pvt Howard

Benefits to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Free Tuition

100% Tuition Exemption for Guardsmen
Tuition Exemption

Mont. Gi Bill SR

$439.00 per Academic Month
Gi Bill - SR

Gi Bill Kicker

$350.00 Per Academic Month
Gi Bill Kicker

Health Care

Low Cost Health Care for all Guardsmen
TriCare RS


Sign on bonuses up to $20,000.00

Officer Candidate

Officer Training Options
Officer Candidates
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